Monday, April 21, 2008

Just some thoughts

So recently I have just posted some pictures here and there and haven't really had the time to write about anything..... life is just a little busy but I thought I would give some of my thooughts from the past months! Since Gracelyn has come into this world, my life has been turned upside down, but all in a good way!!! I enjoy coming home from work and seeing her face! She has made my life a joy! She is growing so much and has learned something new almost everyday! She loves to talk just "ya-ya's and da-da's" right now but I know when she can say words we will have our hands full!!!! She has 3 teeth, is pulling up, holding her own bottle, laughing, smiling, trying to wave bye-bye, reaching out for people, and her favorite thing to do is Scream!!! lol I love her so much and it grows everyday! This past weekend Ella Jayne Crumpton, Gracelyn's little cousin, born. Also we had some visitors, Heather, Jacob, Morgan Rice came over. Jacob and Morgan laughed histarically at Gracelyn. She was grabbing Jacob's face and screaming at him as loud as she could!!! Jacob thought she was "psycho" lol!!! Anyways she is growing up faster than I ever imagined and it kills me sometimes, but I can't dwell on it and just hope that I enjoy every moment before she is grown!

1 comment:

The Rice Family said...

jacob and morgan love her to death! they talked about her all night after we left. we cant wait to see her again so maybe we will see yall tonight at church!